Bona tarda/nit!! És dijous, i fa uns dies que no em trobo gens bé...
(migranyes fortes)
El dimarts em vaig despertar a les 06:00 del matí sense despertador!
Vaig decidir anar a la piscina del gimnàs i no hi havia gaire bé ningú. PREMI.
I després, vaig anar a que em fessin les ungles (feia mesos que no hi anava, quasi com al gimnàs, lol). Volia un disseny bàsic amb colors de *Tardor* per poder posar-hi coses extres jo mateixi després. Aquesta era la foto de referència (vaig escollir un altre color i puntes quadrades, però volia aquest dibuix per dues ungles):El resultat us sorprendrà...
(O no)
Dreta/Right Esquerra/LeftLa dreta no em desagrada tant... però l'esquerra... què hi farem.
Al sortir del saló d'ungles estava plovent i jo anava preparadi!!!
No va ser un dia taaaaan dolent.
Va ser un dia gaire bé bo!!!! Si no fos per la migranya que tinc
quasi a diari. Per aquest motiu no vaig fer un post abans!
Al següent post...
Good afternoon/evening!! It's Thursday, and I haven't been feeling well for a few days... (severe migraines)
BUT they said (The News) it will rain this week and that gave me hope.
On Tuesday I woke up at 06:00 am without an alarm! (That's not usual)I decided to go to the gym pool and there wasn't that many people. A WIN IS A WIN GUYS
And then, I went to get my nails done (I hadn't for months, almost like going to the gym, lol). I wanted a basic design with *Autumn colors* so I could be able to put extra stuff on them later.
square design tho, but I wanted this for two of my nails):The outcome will surprise you...(or not)
First picture: right hand.
Second picture: left hand. The phrase means "We're not doing well, huh?" in catalan.
When I left the nail salon it was raining and I was ready!!! The phrase in catalan there means: "Carbassot (the character) does what he can."
It wasn't a bad day. I guess.
It was almost a very good day!!!! If it wasn't for the migraines I have almost daily. That's why I didn't post earlier!
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