Hola amiguis. Ho sento, no he pogut publicar més scans, la meva salut no ha estat ajudant gaire i necessitava/necessito descansar.
Aquest no és el final del bloc.
Vull continuar publicant. Um...
Espero publicar alguna cosa aviat. I poder compartir scans i més coses amb vosaltres, sigueu una, dues, o 10 persones!🥰 (genuinament).
Tu que em llegeixes, cuida't siusplau!
I tingueu una bona temporada de Castanyada i de halloweeeeen <3
Helloooo friends. Sorry I haven't been able to post more scans, my health hasn't been that great later and I needed/need to rest.
This is not the end of the blog.
I want to keep posting.
I hope to post something soon. And to be able to share scans and more with you, be it one, two, or 10 people reading me! (genuinely)
Take care please!
And have a good *Castanyada* and a good halloweeeeen <3